The collection of objects can be any Python container type, including the tuple, string, and list types discussed in earlier articles. 对象集合可以是任何Python容器类型,包括前面文章中讨论的tuple、string和list类型。
Suppose we have a list of strings and want to see whether a certain string is contained in that list. 假定我们拥有一个字符串列表,并且想要知道某个特定的字符串是否包含在那个列表中。
In almost every case ( the notable exception being string()), a list function applied to a dictionary behaves as if the function had been passed a list of the values of the dictionary. 几乎在所有的情况(最显著的例外是string())下,一个应用到字典的列表函数的行为就像该函数收到了该字典的一个值列表。
You can use the for loop with any Python object that provides an iterator, including the built-in sequence types such as the tuple, string, and list. 可以将for循环与提供迭代器的任何Python对象结合使用,这些对象包括tuple、string和list等内置序列类型。
This HTTP header stores a string value and is often a list of values. 这个HTTP头存储字符串值,并且它通常为一系列值。
The second for loop also shows how to split a string into a list of substrings ( using the space character to indicate the boundaries of substrings). 第二个for循环还显示了如何将string分割为子字符串的list(使用空格字符来指示子字符串的边界)。
Create a comma-separated String from the above list of pairs ( Element ID and message key). 从上面的ElementID和消息键对列表中创建一个以逗号分隔的字符串。
In_word_set: This routine uses hash() to determine whether a particular string belongs to the user-supplied list, using one string comparison in the most common case. inwordset:该例程使用hash()确定某个字符串是否属于用户提供的列表,大多数情况下只使用一个字符串比较。
In the previous articles in the "Discover Python" series, you learned about the basic Python data types and some of the container data types, such as the tuple, string, and list. 在“探索Python”系列以前的文章中,学习了基本的Python数据类型和一些容器数据类型,例如tuple、string和list。
Previous articles in this series introduced some of the container data types in the Python programming language, including the tuple, the string, and the list ( see Resources). 本系列中前面的文章介绍了Python编程语言中的一些容器数据类型,包括tuple、string和list(参见参考资料)。
JDOM represents strings as Java Strings, and collections of nodes via normal List and Iterator classes. JDOM将字符串表示成JavaString,并且通过普通的List和Iterator类来表示节点的集合。
Of course, you could just deal with things as Strings and Lists and ignore the AST part of the world, picking apart the returned Strings and Lists and re-parsing them into AST elements. 当然,您可以只与String和List打交道,而忽略AST部分,拆开返回的String和List,并重新将它们解析成AST元素。
Modifying an item within a list is rather simple: You set the item's value appropriately, even to a different type, such as a string or another list. 修改list中的条目相当容易:您可以适当地设置条目的值,甚至设置成另一种不同的类型,如string或另一list。
There is, and to understand how it works, you'll need to take a short dive into how parser combinators produce non-"standard" elements ( that is, not Strings and Lists). 确实有另外一种方法。为了理解这种方法的工作原理,您将需要研究一下解析器组合子是如何产生非“标准”的元素的(即不是String和List)。
However, a string is actually just a list of ASCII integer values. 但是,字符串实际上只是由ASCII字符值组成的列表。
There is even a list of String objects ( List) for the links that are children of the element. 甚至有一个针对这些链接的String对象清单(List),这些链接是元素的子元素。
Click Edit next to the String format drop-down list. 单击Stringformat下拉列表旁边的Edit。
Thus you will now see a relationship between ClassA and String rather than ClassA and List. 因此你将看到的是ClassA和字符串的关系,而不是ClassA和列表之间的关系。
You aren't limited to passing a sequence directly into the constructor; you can also pass a variable that holds a tuple or a string into the list constructor. 您不仅能够将序列直接传递给构造函数,还可以将拥有元组或字符串的变量传递给list构造函数。
Like string indices, list indices start at0, and lists can be sliced, concatenated and so on. 像字符串一样,链表也以零开始,可以被切片,联接,等等。
Unable to find the specified string in the list of performance name and explain text strings. 在性能名称列表和说明文字字符串中找不到指定的字符串。
A string that contains a list of subfield values containing information about the certificate issuer. 一个字符串,该字符串包含含有有关证书颁发者信息的子字段值的列表。
Adds a string to the list box of a combo box. 本函数在组合框中的列表框中添加一个字符串。
In both of these cases, you can specify a separator string for an item list. 在这两种情况中,可以为项列表指定分隔符字符串。
Sets or returns the string contents of the list item. 设置或返回列表项的字符串内容。
In the find what box, select a previous search string from the drop-down list or type the data you want to find. 在“查找内容”框中,从下拉列表中选择前一个搜索字符串或键入要查找的数据。
Enter a word or phrase to search all text or select a previous search string from the drop-down list. 输入一个词或词组以搜索所有文本,也可从下拉列表中选择以前的搜索过的字符串。
The terminal shall give the user the text string list, and allows the user to select the options in the list. 终端应该向用户给出文本字符串列表,并允许用户选择该列表中的选项。
Splits the string EXPR into a list of strings and returns that list. 分割字符串EXPR为字符串列表并且返回这个列表。
When the program is designed, first choose SQL attributes in Dialog Box of Attributes in these groupwares, click the Button with suspension points, then can open the String List Editor dialog box, and then SQL clauses can be added in the Dialog Box. 设计程序时,在该组件的属性对话框中选择SQL属性,单击带省略号的按钮,就可以打开StringListEditor对话框,然后就可以在对话框中添加SQL语句。